


The 社区咨询中心 offers services to MNU 专业 and Graduate Students as well as the Kansas City area 社区.



The 社区咨询中心 offers services to MNU 专业 and Graduate Students as well as the Kansas City area 社区.

These services are free to all 专业 and Graduate MNU students. 奥拉西, Johnson County and Kansas City community members are charged for services on an income-based sliding scale. We utilize our 2nd year graduate counseling students as counselors Monday—Saturday between 8:30 a.m. 晚上八点半.m.  All of our counseling students are supervised by a clinician that is clinically licensed by the State of Kansas.



如果你正在经历心理健康危机, please contact 9-1-1 or visit your local emergency department for immediate care. 如果你处于危机之中, but there is no threat to the safety of yourself or someone else, 你也可以拨打以下任何一个电话号码:

约翰逊县心理健康中心24小时危机热线: 913-268-0156
全国精神疾病联盟(NAMI): 800-950-6264

所有与本中心的联系都是保密的. No personal information is released to anyone outside the counseling offices without written consent. 保密是有一些限制的. Therapists are legally required to report cases of child abuse or abuse of a dependent adult. Information may be disclosed when there is threat of immediate danger and may also be disclosed if required by court order.


为职业 & 毕业生以及KC地区社区

Make an appointment by filling out our request form below or by calling 913.971.3297.





Have you ever had moments in your life when you looked for answers and couldn’t find any? Times where you felt sad, alone, depressed, or worried and couldn’t understand why. Maybe life is just too stressful and overwhelming and you’ve found that what family and friends have to say just doesn’t seem to be working.

At times we all need someone to talk to, someone that will listen and help us find new perspective. One of the traps we as people fall into is the idea that we can handle life alone. Acknowledging the need for professional help is an important step in improving your life, 对很多人来说, 这需要很大的勇气. 专业 counseling can be beneficial in working through some of life’s most challenging moments. It can also help clear away obstacles that prevent personal growth. The main goal of counseling is to help those in need live more fulfilling lives. Below you will find some of the common reasons for seeking out professional counseling help:

If your concern is not on this list, just give us a call at 913.971.3733,我们还是会帮忙的.

Many times in our lives we stop and ask, “why am I still stuck in the same place I’ve always been?“有时, there are many barriers in life that prevent us from moving forward with our goals or dreams. Just because you may be considering counseling doesn’t mean you have a clinical condition. 治疗的主要重点是帮助你识别, 学习, 加强你可能拥有或尚未拥有的技能.

Each of us, at one time or another will experience emotional pain. Sometimes the sadness doesn’t go away and we begin to realize that it is impacting not only ourselves, 但是我们的工作, 的关系, 总体生活满意度. 如果你是一个发现自己总是担心的人, 经历无法消失的悲伤, 或者刚刚经历了人生的转折, professional counseling can help with gaining understanding of the symptoms, 协同工作以发现潜在的原因, 并帮助你恢复情感健康.

在生活中,我们与他人建立了关系. Many of us know the stress that can be created by a spouse, sibling, children, or co-workers. Counseling can help with understanding the causes of our relationship difficulties. The main focus is to help improve your ability to interact and relate with those around you. Your counselor may at times talk with you about including family as a part of your treatment to assist with the healing process.

Life doesn’t come with a handbook and a preset response to what happens throughout. 有了这些信息, we can’t always be expected to have the necessary skills to manage all that life throws at us. In some instances we do the best we can and realize it just isn’t cutting it or even makes things worse. 这方面的一些例子是糟糕或无效的沟通, 愤怒或控制冲动, 或者缺乏自信. You and your counselor can work together to identify strength and growth areas and work together to implement new skills to assist you in managing life in a healthier manner.

Life brings many unforeseen circumstances that we may or may not be prepared for. Experiencing a loss can be a very difficult time in your life. If you have experienced a loss and would like to talk with a counselor, it can help with addressing needs and gaining a greater ability to cope with your loss.

This area is an unfortunate part of the world we live in and something many live life trying to deal with. If you have been a victim of abuse or violence or experienced a traumatic event, 你可能会感到愤怒, 内疚, 羞愧, 无助, 或者关系问题. The main focus on counseling is to develop a safe environment where you and your counselor can work through the sensitive issues you bring to the session. The counselor will work with you to address how you can move forward and gain greater control over your life.

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